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Boostball is a young English company specializing in the production of protein pralines with a uniqueand faboulous flavor. Thanks to over 10 years of experience in the sector, the company Boostball has been able to obtain a high quality product using a few ingredients of the highest quality that have given rise to a snack rich in proteins and satisfying for the palate.

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Filtra per Prezzo

Protein Balls snack proteico senza glutine ne olio di palma, ricco di proteine del siero, ideale per spezzare la fame quando hai voglia di qualcosa di buono e sfizioso

- 30%
3,00 2,09

KETO Range Ball è uno snack proteico a scarso apporto in carboidrati e zuccheri, ideale da abbinare alle diete dimagranti ipocarboidrate ed anche chetogeniche, controlla l'appetito

- 20%
3,00 2,39