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Weight loss

Supplements for weight loss are a category with high competition and highly coveted by all brands of production, precisely because it is a sector sought after by a huge audience increasingly expanding and each company pulls water to its mill stating that its supplement is the best and the most revolutionary.

If you are looking for pills or powders to help you lose weight without sacrifice we have bad news for you: they do not exist. All natural or synthetic supplements that are intended to increase metabolism or speed up fat burning are just one more aid to diet. All the studies done about weight loss have shown that following a low calorie diet and aerobic exercise combined with fat burning supplements have brought more results on the scale than simple proper nutrition.

Based on many tests and laboratory tests carried out on athletes and sedentary people we can say that a correct integration with thermogenic products, always following a low-calorie diet, can increase fat loss by 20 to 40% with no side effects. So, if you can lose 1 pound of fat per week through proper nutrition and exercise (and you can), you can lose 1.3 to 1.5 pounds of fat per week by adding the right supplements.

Weight loss with natural supplements

Another great benefit of taking the right fat loss supplements is that they are especially effective in reducing brown (storage) fat, which is usually the fat that is deposited on the belly and hips in men and thighs for women.
Said this, let’s now analyze the main ingredients used in the formulations of supplements for weight loss and let’s focus on their real effectiveness.

Caffeine and weight loss

We can define caffeine as the symbol ingredient of every fat burning supplement, present in the vast majority of formulations for its weight loss related properties. What many people don’t know, however, is that caffeine does much more than give a high level of energy.

Caffeine stimulates the basal metabolism by increasing the amount of catecholamine in the blood, which are chemical substances that mobilize the deposits of fat, favoring the combustion in order to produce energy. This, in turn, increases your body’s basal metabolic rate, which is the amount of energy that burns at rest. The more energy your body burns each day, the more fat you can lose and for this reason caffeine is an effective fat burner.

How to take caffeine to lose fat? The general caffeine dosage seen in weight loss studies is between 2 and 6 mg per kg body weight per day. We recommend an intermediate dosage of about 4 mg per kg of body weight per day. The only negative aspect of caffeine as an aid for weight loss is that it loses its effectiveness over time as our body tends to become addicted to this stimulant. Of course, carrying out 1-2 days a week of interruption reduces or slows the habituation of the organism and prolongs its lipolytic effect.

Another way to make caffeine more effective is to take it in conjunction with other natural substances that amplify its effects; For example, research states that a molecule called naringin present in grapefruit juice can help caffeine stay longer in your blood.

Garcinia Cambogia and weight loss

Garcinia cambogia is a small acidic fruit also called tamarind and often used in cooking to flavor foods, and it contains a significant concentration of HCA hydroxycitric acid, which has been shown to reduce weight gain.
Several human studies have shown statistically significant reductions in fat mass compared to a group of placebo people. These studies have found that on average taking garcinia cambogia you can lose about 3 kg of extra weight in a period of 12 weeks.

Green coffee extract and fat loss

This supplement consists of green coffee beans, which contain high amounts of chlorogenic acid, which helps in weight loss. Chlorogenic acid has been shown to possess properties not directly related to the stimulation of metabolism but is able to greatly reduce appetite allowing you to better follow your diet.

Green tea extract and weight loss

Green tea leaves are rich in chemicals known as "catechins", which are responsible for many of the healthy benefits of the drink. Extensive research shows that one of these benefits is weight loss and abdominal fat reduction in particular, it is also important to note that these effects are amplified by the combined intake with caffeine. Catechins accomplish this by blocking an enzyme that breaks adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are chemicals that mobilize fat deposits and increase basal metabolic rate. The inhibition of this enzyme allows these fat burning chemicals to remain in the blood for long periods of time, increasing the amount of fat that is burned. A daily dosage of 400 to 600 mg of green tea is enough to reap its benefits for weight loss.

Raspberry ketones and fat loss

Raspberry ketones are no longer as much present in the formulation of thermogenic as a few years ago but nevertheless ingredients can bring real benefits to weight loss. Many studies have shown their effectiveness and correlation with increased lipolysis but it is important to note that all studies have been carried out in combination with other ingredients such as caffeine, green tea and synephrine.

Synephrine or bitter orange

Synephrine is a substance found in high amounts in the peel of bitter orange, which has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various types of health disorders. In chemical terms, synephrine is similar but less potent than the potent ephedrine compound. Research shows that combining with caffeine increases both the fat loss properties of chemicals. In addition, synephrine is also an appetite-suppressant because anything that increases adrenaline and noradrenaline activity can also reduce hunger. The abundance of evidence is clear: synephrine is an effective aid to fat loss, is a mild stimulant but is generally well tolerated and without side effects.



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Synephrine Extreme ist 100% Synephrin, das aus den unreifen Kernen der Bitterorange gewonnen wird, es ist eine Substanz, die den Appetit hemmt, ausgezeichnet in einer kalorienarmen Ernährung

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