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Whey protein powder

The term whey protein (whey protein) refers to whey protein supplements, the most commonly used protein powders in sports with the highest biological value and an important amount of essential bcaa amino acids for muscle building.

These are proteins extracted from the first filtration of milk, precisely the whey; the main nutritional feature of this protein fraction is the rapid assimilation and release of amino acids into the bloodstream in a very short time.

In whey protein, we find various macronutrients that are important for athletes who need to do intensive training to exercise and build muscle mass, including beta-lactoglobulins, alpha-lactoalbumin, serum albumin and immunoglobulins.Whey proteins are most commonly used in the sports nutrition industry. In fact, we find different formulations, from the classic proteins with a very concentrated release of branched amino acids to the new formulations that use isolated whey, concentrated whey or mixtures of different sources, always from whey.Whey protein powder for post-workout training, the best solution.

Whey protein powder for post-workout training, the best solution

The rapid assimilation and rapid release of amino acids into the blood, on average within the first 30 minutes after taking the supplement, make this product ideal for making the most of the anabolic window.

The anabolic window is the period immediately after the end of training, when it is important to support the "super" metabolism with sufficient nutrients, precisely whey protein. At this stage, a normal meal would indeed not be able to fully respond to the needs of the muscles, where whey proteins, on the other hand, and especially the load on all the branched amino acids they contain, are the staple foods for immediate tracking.

Recovery, muscle regeneration and mass growth.When choosing a whey protein dietary supplement, especially for athletes who are approaching the sports nutrition sector for the first time, various aspects must be considered.

The best products based on whey protein powder

The most commonly used, scrolling through the various properties of whey proteins in the catalog, are those in protein concentration. For example, there are supplements with a concentration of more than 90%( the amount of protein sources used), then the choice of a single source such as concentrated or isolated whey and finally the presence of other elements, that can amplify the results.
In this regard, whey protein, for example, is a very important nutritional synergy because it is bound to carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. It is a combination of two different noble elements, proteins and carbohydrates, which makes it possible to push the amino acids into the cell muscles very quickly.
Rich in Bcaa, Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, the new formulations studied by leading brands in the sector, in addition to an important load of proteins, are also formulated with an additional dosage of Bcaa and amino acids, just to support maximum protein synthesis and muscle building.In the extensive Whey Protein catalog of NutritionCenter.eu you will find products from the best brands, products with different formulations and tastes as well as different formats to always choose the best product according to your nutritional needs.

How to take whey proteins for maximum results

Whether after exercise or in the morning for breakfast, this type of protein releases plastic nutrients in the blood a few minutes after ingestion, but this is not enough to cause the maximum anabolic boost. As mentioned above, the combination of low osmolar carbohydrates such as Vitargo pushes the amino acids into the tissues where they are used by the metabolism with greater efficiency. Other compounds that you can add whey protein to achieve the same result, are taurine, fenugreek or even hormonal precursors such as tribulus terrestris, arginine or glutamine, plant extracts and amino acids, which stimulate the endocrine drive of testosterone and Gh the catalysis of protein synthesis.To conclude a brief summary of the features of these supplements:

  • They are made from 100% whey;
  • They can be obtained by mechanical filtration or ion exchange;
  • Ideal for breakfast or after training;
  • Rich in Bcaa and glutamine, but also in all other essential amino acids;
  • They contain a small amount of added fat and sugar.

Blend sieroproteico ad alto valore biologico, Gold Standard Whey è ricco di aminoacidi che rilascia velocemente, gusto Cookie Cream eccezionale

- 7%
42,50 39,59

100% ultrafiltriertes Molkenproteinkonzentrat mit Zusatz von Bcaa, Glutamin und Taurin, gesüßt mit Sucralose

- 23%
90,59 69,98

Battery Whey Protein, il meglio delle proteine post allenamento, blend isolato e concentrato dal siero con aggiunta di glutammina, creatina e taurina

- 21%
32,00 25,19

Nitro-Tech Performance Series sind isolierte und konzentrierte Molkenproteine ​​mit schneller Assimilation mit hinzugefügtem Kreatin und Bcaa, hergestellt von Muscletech

- 13%
45,00 38,99

Elite 100% Moly Dymatize-Protein-Protein mit konzentrierter Milchmolke, isoliert und Hydrolyse ohne Gluten, schnelle Assimilation

- 19%
85,00 68,79

Big Whey ist 100 % konzentriertes Molkenprotein mit hoher biologischer Wertigkeit, angereichert mit Glycin und Verdauungsenzymen, Aminogramm in komplettem EAA, ideal nach dem Training

- 23%
70,00 53,79

Elite 100% Molkeprotein-Protein konzentriertes Serum angereichert mit BCAA und hydinatorischen Peptiden, hervorragend nach dem Weight-Training

- 6%
40,50 37,89

IntraPro Whey Protein Mischung Whey Protein in drei Fraktionen, konzentriert, isoliert und hydrolysiert, für eine superschnelle Versorgung mit Aminosäuren mit hoher biologischer Wertigkeit

- 29%
80,00 56,98

Universal McGregor's PeptoWhey Whey Protein Supplement mit zugesetztem Peptidleucin und Verdauungsenzymen für eine optimale Muskelernährung

- 52%
104,00 50,19

Mars HI-Protein Powder Qualitative Proteinmischung mit Geschmack, der dem bekannten Riegel entspricht, reich an Bcaa und zeichnet sich durch eine schnelle Freisetzung von Aminosäuren aus

- 29%
50,00 35,49

Combat Protein Powder innovativa miscela a base di varie fonti proteiche a rilascio graduale, priva di Glutine e ricca in aminoacidi essenziali, prodotta dalla Musclepharm

- 31%
85,00 58,89

Myofusion Advanced Protein ist die neue Proteinmischung von Gaspari Nutrition, reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren und fettarm

- 16%
80,00 66,99

Whey Protein Supplement mit großartigem Geschmack von Scitec Nutrition

- 27%
42,30 30,98

LevroWhey Supreme integratore 100% whey protein concentrate, ottimo valore biologico e rapporto qualità prezzo, rilascio veloce degli amminoacidi

- 3%
70,00 67,89

Impact Whey Protein del marchio MyProtein integratore a base di proteine del siero del latte concentrate utile per il nutrimento muscolare


Diet Whey integratore proteico di isolato e concentrato del siero di latte, arricchito con carnitina, cla, estratto di te verde e glucomannano, ideale per dimagrire

- 25%
85,00 63,99