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Whey Protein Isolate

Whey protein isolates are one of the segments of whey protein, whey proteins isolated by innovative processing methods that do not denature and therefore reduce the concentration of amino acids. Whey protein isolate is mainly characterized by the limited presence of fats and lactose.

Therefore, when we talk about whey protein isolate, the protein concentration is very high, usually higher than 85%, the amino acid load is higher, the protein fraction is purer and, most importantly, there is no lactose, which can cause disorders to the stomach and bowel for the most sensitive athletes.

One of the most commonly used processing techniques for isolating whey proteins is ion exchange filtration. This process maintains a high protein concentration. Other techniques include microfiltration and ultrafiltration, which are used to separate fats and lactose from proteins without compromising nutritional value. According to the processing technique, minor differences in protein concentration can be recorded. As a rule, mechanical filtration leads to a slight reduction in protein concentration, which can be about 80%.

Compared to the classic whey protein, the price of whey isolates is slightly higher. In fact, it is a protein that has better processing such as filtration and is also easier and faster to assimilate, as it is free of fats and lactose.

Whey Protein Isolate is therefore a kind of supplement that is very suitable for replenishing amino acids and maintaining a protein-rich diet. As we have seen, low-fat and low-carbohydrate formulations are integrated at the nutritional physiological level. There are formulations that contain an almost zero contribution of these macronutrients and therefore support much more protein than energy.

On a biological level, these whey proteins activate anabolic signals and thus promote cell proliferation and the development of new muscle tissue. They not only adequately support protein synthesis, but also allow you to work on physical strength and endurance.

They are also very important to accelerate the resynthesis of muscle glycogen, they reduce muscle soreness, the typical doms effect that occurs after intense strength training, and support the integration of products, aimed at producing testosterone and stimulating hormones.

On a nutritional level, therefore especially integrated after training, Whey Protein Isolate guarantees fast recovery and complete muscle regeneration. The protein concentration, which is always above 90% in the excellent formulations of the best brands, guarantees a rapid release of amino acids, which are quickly assimilated and can be further pressed into muscle cells by exploiting the hypoglycemic effect of carbohydrates or other elements with similar insulin action.

In Nutrition Center’s extensive whey protein catalogue, which is a leader in the European distribution of the best specific dietary supplements for sports, you will find the best formulations of Whey Protein Isolate, the brands and historical products of professional sports nutrition, from Iso Sensation to Hydro Whey, from Iso hydrolyzed to formulations that combine the rapid release of amino acids with ergogenic elements, to accelerate recovery and increase growth and build muscle mass.


REAL Whey Isolate integratore proteico 100% isolato dal siero di latte, massima velocità di rilascio e bassi tenori in grassi e zuccheri, ottimo dopo l'allenamento con i pesi

- 24%
65,00 49,19

Hydrowhey Hardcore integratore di peptidi a veloce rilascio, la migliore fonte proteica esistente al mondo, il massimo del supporto anabolico nel post allenamento

- 34%
80,00 52,79

Scitec Whey Isolate 100% ist eines der Molkenproteine ​​mit dem besten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren und Glutamin

- 17%
42,30 34,98

Precision Protein 100% hydrolysiert aus Molkenisolat mit niedrigem Fettgehalt, glutenfrei und reich an Peptidfraktionen. Diese Ergänzung ist die Spitze nach dem Training

- 29%
55,00 38,79

Iso-Fuji proteina in polvere 100% isolata dal siero per microfiltrazione a flusso incrociato, bassi tenori in zuccheri e grassi ma altissim valore biologico, solo materia prima certificata Volactive ®


Shadowhey Isolate 100% Proteinpulver isoliert aus Molke, ein Produkt mit wenig Fett und Zucker, aber reich an schnell freisetzenden essentiellen Aminosäuren

- 7%
90,00 83,90

Whey Protein Isolat Protein, das durch mechanische Mikrofiltration aus Molke gewonnen wird, wenig Fett, Zucker, aber viele Proteine ​​und essentielle Aminosäuren mit schneller Freisetzung, ausgezeichnet nach dem Training

- 7%
75,00 69,99

UltraIso Pro della Evolite Nutrition integratore a base di purissime proteine del siero isolate senza Glutine e ricche in aminoacidi essenziali


Gold Standard 100% Isolate integratore proteico in blend tra isolato del siero di latte e parzialmente idrolizzato, bassi tenori in grassi e zuccheri e massima velocità di rilascio, ottima post allenamento

- 7%
50,00 46,39

Proteine del siero del latte con 25% di caseine e ricca in Bcaa by Anderson

- 49%
95,50 48,40

Evogen IsoJect Whey Protein Isolat reich an Peptiden zur Verbesserung der Aufnahme und Förderung der Muskelregeneration und des Muskelwachstums, glutenfrei

- 14%
93,49 79,99

Qualitativ hochwertigstes Protein-Supplement, hergestellt aus Cross-Flow-Whey-Isolat, Quamtrax Iso Whey ist reich an Aminosäuren und Glutamin

- 3%
40,00 38,99

Iso Whey Zero Natural ist ein 100% aus Molke isoliertes Proteinpulver mit einem Proteingehalt von über 90% und geringen Mengen an Fett und Zucker, hervorragend nach dem Training nach dem Gewichtheben

- 4%
75,00 72,19

Xtreme ISO 90 della PBB Pro Body Building è un integratore a base di purissime proteine del siero del latte isolate al 90% a rapida assimilazione.

- 38%
90,00 55,67

Hydro ß+ Probios integratore a base di proteine del siero idrolizzate ricche in Bcaa e Glutamina a rapido assorbimento prodotte dalla 4Plus Nutrition

- 3%
100,00 97,09

ISO WPH Optipep integratore proteico in polvere in blend tra idrolizzato e isolato brevettato, ottimo dopo l'allenamento per amplificare la finestra anabolica e crescere più in fretta

- 33%
69,00 45,99