Whey hydrolysate is the best form of protein material that can be obtained from whey. In reality, they should not be considered real proteins, as they are formed by peptides, which means, groups of amino acids that are connected to each other and are formed by no more than 10 amino acids. This is the main difference between peptides and proteins. In fact, a protein to be considered as such must contain at least 100 amino acids.
This type of product allows a higher rate of digestion and absorption than any other dietary supplement in this category. Therefore, it is best to use them only at the training site or for breakfast, also in terms of the fact that they are much more expensive than the others. In the two above situations, your metabolism needs to be replenished in a very short time, and peptides are undoubtedly the most effective solution to the problem.
When we talk about whey peptides or WPH, we refer to products obtained by a process called hydrolysis or pre-digestion and chemically performed by means of enzymes, thereby reducing the number of bonds that hold the amino acids together to form a protein and to produce peptides that can be formed from two or more chains of amino acids up to a maximum of about 10.
The smaller the number of amino acids that make up the peptide, the faster it passes the digestive system, causing the infusion of plastic nutrients into the blood at a much faster rate than any other type of protein, used in sports nutrition.
Hydrolyzed proteins can be obtained from both whey isolate and concentrates, the best are obtained from Wpi, because this type of protein material, although it has a lower concentration, whereas extraction methods are particularly rich in undenatured amino acids and whey is produced only by gravity mechanical filters and without the use of acidic substances, attacks the crystalline structure of the nutrient and reduces its metabolic availability.
In the meantime, let’s remember one thing that is very difficult to find, even if it exists, but has almost prohibitive prices: dietary supplements that are made 100% from this type of nutrients for two basic reasons:
However, there are also significant positive properties that undoubtedly affect the results in the gym, but also a factor related to digestion. In the post-workout phase, by taking a dose of these supplements, you provide your body with very high amounts of amino acids that can and will be used in a very short time, to trigger and support protein turnove, which ultimately leads to the growth of your muscles.
In addition, it is a nutrient with a very low or even completely free lactose content, and in fact there are no intestinal swelling or meteorism, disorders that are rather common in other types of protein matter. Even with regard to the presence of gluten, almost all these supplements do not contain lipoprotein, which more and more often leads to intolerances or even allergies.
This type of food supplement is not all the same and must be shifted according to two different characteristics, namely origin and hydrolysis method. However, let us proceed step by step:
If you do not find specific information on the label for a particular product, you can contact the manufacturer directly and ask how many percent of the peptides are present and how high their molecular weight is to determine what the supplement consists of. This last aspect is very interesting and determines the actual absorption rate, which is in any case between 10 and 25 minutes. The lower the Dalton, the unit of measurement for the mass of atoms, the faster the entry into the bloodstream.
So far, we have practically talked about a kind of product that contains small chains of amino acids and not real proteins, and said that the fewer these chains, the higher the release rate. At this point, an attentive reader could make the following observation: "Why take WPH-I and not directly amino acids"? A fair question, and the answer is very simple. Without going into the specific details of this rather complex mechanism, we will simply say that peptides can use preferred traces to be absorbed, while amino acids in free form cannot.
Given the very high cost, it is advisable to take this type of product only where there is a real need, and therefore in the morning for breakfast and immediately after training. In both situations, the metabolism is freed from nutrients. To avoid muscle catabolism, it must therefore be replenished in a short time, with a supplement that releases plastic substrates into the blood after just a few minutes.
However, all this is not enough to fully exploit the anabolic potential of hydrolyzed proteins. In fact, it is also necessary here to transport the nutrient in the tissue. For this purpose, you can add carbohydrates such as Vitargo, which cause a massive insulin surge and, due to the hypoglycemic power of insulin, cause the sudden transition of amino acids from the bloodstream to the cells.
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