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Vegan Protein

Vegan proteins are one of the areas of sports nutrition that is experiencing the greatest innovation and continuous development of formulations. Given the growing demand for alternative protein products to milk and sources of animal origin, the leading producers in the sector and the innovative brands that pay special attention to vegan nutrition offer various dietary supplements, which fully meet the needs of athletes who need to stick to a correct intake of proteins and amino acids for sports preparation.

The main vegan proteins are soy proteins, wheat proteins, legume proteins such as pea proteins, rice proteins and other innovative formulations that use hemp proteins and other plant elements. The biological and nutritional value of plant sources has been constantly improved, and today it is possible to use formulations that have been improved to achieve a complete profile of amino acids. Some sources actually posed the problem of limiting amino acid, often elements such as methionine and others that lack some foods of plant origin.

With modern techniques of processing and concentration of dietary supplements, this problem has been completely overcome, therefore, today it is possible to use vegetable proteins that are better than sources of animal origin. Athletes who are vegetarian or vegan, or athletes who have shown a sensitivity to lactose and therefore need to vary and alternate the protein source to be used, can choose between cereals and legumes. There are also formulations that incorporate the best of different sources using mixtures rich in amino acids that are easy to assimilate and have a complete amino acid profile.

With plant proteins, you can integrate essential and branched BCAA amino acids at eye level of animal origin. For example, bcaa leucine, isoleucine and valine are contained in wheat and legumes, other amino acids such as methionine are contained in seeds and fruits. The mixture of different sources therefore makes it possible to adequately support protein synthesis to promote muscle recovery and anabolism to build and develop muscle mass.

You can compare different formulations in the nutrient catalogue of the Nutrition Center. The best American and European supplement brands produce different formulations. Soy proteins are often used, which are characterized by an average release time and an important concentration of BCAAs and glutamine Protein mixtures for vegetarians, for example, we find pea proteins and rice proteins, Formulations that combine lightness and excellent taste with high nutritional value.

Another characteristic of vegetable proteins is that in addition to the absence of lactose, the absence of gluten, the legume proteins can actually also be used by people with celiac disease.

Vegetable proteins are indicated in each diet for both muscle building and definition. In a balanced diet, where plant classes such as fruits, vegetables and legumes are consumed, nutrient deficiencies can be limited by combining multivitamin and multimineral dietary supplements.

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In stock

Vegan 80 Protein integratore di proteine in polvere senza fonti animali, solo materia prima dal pisello e dal riso, arricchita di bcaa ramificati, 5g per dose. Lattosio Free!

- 16%
65,00 54,87
In stock

Biotech Vegan Protein Protein Supplement für Veganer aus Erbsen- und Reisisolat, angereichert mit Glutamin und Arginin, ideal sowohl nach dem Training als auch in Snacks

- 11%
28,00 24,90

Saw Rawfusion proteina vegetale del riso, carciofo e pisello ideale per chi segue un regime alimentare Vegano, prodotta dalla San Nutrition

50,00 49,89

Proteine del pisello da agrigoltura non OGM prodotte dalla Now Foods, ottima alternativa alle whey protein

- 13%
51,00 44,19

Nicht-GMO-Proteine ​​aus Soja, ideal für Menschen mit Laktoseintoleranz von Scitec Nutrition

- 25%
24,10 17,97

Vegan Pro integratore proteico per vegani realizzato solo con fonti non animal da canapa, riso, soia e pisello, profilo amminoacidico completo

- 27%
80,00 58,19

Pure Form Vegan Protein veganes Protein aus fünf verschiedenen Quellen, gluten- und sojafrei, praktisch ohne Fett- und Zuckeranteile, gesüßt mit Stevia

- 18%
28,00 22,99

FIT Soy Pro integratore proteico estratto dalla soia, ideale per vegani e vegetariani, o per coloro che vogliono provare una fonte protidica non animal alternativa alle solite whey

- 29%
40,00 28,49

Vegan Protein Shake BIO della Nutrisslim miscela proteica adatta a Vegani a base di proteine del Riso, Pisello, Chia e Quinoa, ideale come sostitutivo pasto.

- 30%
27,00 18,95

Organic Vegan Protein proteina in polvere per vegani, realizzata con proteine di zucca, pisello e girasole non OGM, senza edulcoranti ne dolcificanti artificiali, contiene stevia organica

- 20%
70,00 55,91

Reisprotein-Ergänzung 100 % Reisproteinisolat, angereichert mit mittelkettigen Fettsäuren und Inulin, das Top zur Unterstützung des Muskelerhalts bei einer Diät zur Gewichtsreduktion, ausgezeichnet für Veganer

- 38%
55,00 34,30

All Natural Rice Protein proteina in polvere estratta dal riso integrale biologico, ottima per vegani e vegetariani ed anche per chi non vuole il glutine

- 28%
19,00 13,65

Vegan Protein Proteinergänzung für Veganer, die aus sieben verschiedenen Quellen gewonnen wird, um Ihren Körper mit vielen essentiellen Aminosäuren zu versorgen, die für den Muskelerhalt und das Muskelwachstum nützlich sind

- 19%
21,00 16,97

Quamtrax Vegan Protein Produkt auf Basis von Erbsen- und Reisproteinen, geringer Fett- und Zuckergehalt, schnelle Freisetzung von Aminosäuren, ideal für diejenigen, die keine Lebensmittel aus der Tierwelt essen

- 29%
20,00 14,15

ISO Vegan Protein integratore proteico per vegani realizzato con isolato della soia, del pisello e del riso, arricchito di micronutrienti ed estratti vegetali brevettati Oxxynea

- 6%
37,00 34,68

Vegan Protein Blend Protein-Ergänzung für Veganer, nur aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen und ohne Soja hergestellt, hervorragend nach dem Training oder in Hauptmahlzeiten zu verwenden. Glutenfrei!

- 18%
43,00 35,41