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Proteins with slow release

Slow-release proteins are characterized by slow digestion and the resulting gradual release of amino acids into the bloodstream. It is a protein source that is certainly very suitable for all athletes who need to maintain their daily protein intake, for example, for those who follow a high-protein diet to maintain muscle mass.

In sport, nutrition is as important as training, if you do not follow a balanced diet and, above all, are not willing to adapt to the needs of preparation, sacrifice and work in the gym, Especially regarding the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, training alone will not provide maximum results.

From this point of view, proteins with slow release therefore perform a very important task, namely the supply and plastic support with amino acids and with a positive nitrogen balance during rest periods, such as at night or during the day, where you have no opportunity to eat for several hours. As for the elements and protein fractions that we find in slow-release protein formulations, casein, which comes from milk and egg proteins, is most often used in terms of sources of animal origin. In addition, slowly releasing proteins of plant origin have also been developed in recent times, in which we find various sources such as pea, rice, soy or hemp proteins.

Due to the property of slow digestion and gradual release of amino acids, it is recommended to incorporate slow-release proteins at certain times of the day, for example, when waking up with breakfast, to start the day with a full protein boost and achieve a positive result nitrogen balance for several hours or, as we have seen, in the evening before going to bed, to take advantage of the rest period and counteract catabolism. The most suitable slow-release proteins for this type of supplement are casein, protein or soy proteins.

Among the innovative slow release protein formulations, products that combine a full load of amino acids, such as glutamine, digestive enzymes, to absorb nutrients, Vitamins and minerals are often used throughout the day to improve, promote muscle regeneration to support well-being and health of the athlete.

The slowly releasing protein formulations often consist of different sources. Within the extensive Nutrition Center catalog, you can then select the best products based on your nutritional needs and based on specific training needs.

The new extended-release protein blends guarantee a constant supply of amino acids, which, as recent studies show, last up to 8 hours. In these mixtures we often find micellar caseins, calcium caseinate, which are also mixed with rapidly assimilated sources such as concentrated whey protein.
In the Nutrition Center catalog you will find slow-release proteins from the best brands, innovative new generation products and classic formulations suitable for any sports nutrition need.

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In stock

Syntha-6 Protein Supplement mit langsamer Freisetzung von Kohlenhydraten und Omega-3-Fettsäuren von BSN, ideal als Mahlzeitenersatz.

In stock

Protein Power Supplement auf Basis von Milch- und Sojaproteinen, die reich an Bcaa und Glutamin sind und zur Förderung des Muskelwachstums von Biotech Usa nützlich sind

- 20%
100,00 79,90
In stock

Micellar Casein Protein Supplement mit allmählicher Freisetzung aus Calciumcaseinat, einem Rohstoff, der sehr reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren ist, die langsam ins Blut abgegeben werden

- 26%
95,00 69,90

100% Micellar Casein integratore di caseina micellare a lento rilascio, una fonte proteica ottima da assumere alla sera prima di dormire per evitare il catabolismo notturno

- 7%
70,00 65,39

Select Protein è un integratore a base di proteine del latte, sia sieroproteine che caseine, ideale per apportare al muscolo gli aminoacidi di cui necessita.

- 13%
75,00 65,00

PHASE8 ist eine von Muscletech hergestellte Mischung aus 6 verschiedenen Proteinen aus Milch für eine verlängerte Freisetzung, die sich hervorragend als Mahlzeitenersatz eignet.

- 27%
90,00 65,79

Protein Caffe Isolate della Extrifit ottimo preparato in polvere a base di caffè e proteine del siero del latte utile come colazione proteica o spuntino

- 21%
2,50 1,97

Combat Protein Powder innovativa miscela a base di varie fonti proteiche a rilascio graduale, priva di Glutine e ricca in aminoacidi essenziali, prodotta dalla Musclepharm

- 31%
85,00 58,89

Myofusion Advanced Protein ist die neue Proteinmischung von Gaspari Nutrition, reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren und fettarm

- 16%
80,00 66,99

Syntha-6 EDGE ist ein Protein mit Molkenprotein und mizellarem Casein, das reich an Aminosäuren ist, die von BSN produziert werden.


Proteine del siero del latte con 25% di caseine e ricca in Bcaa by Anderson

- 49%
95,50 48,40

Anabolic Pro-Blend 5 integratore proteico da cinque differenti fonti nobili per apportare una copertura amminoacidica completa al tuo corpo e recuperare meglio

- 38%
80,00 49,86

Whey Matrix ist eine Proteinmatrix mit differenzierter Freisetzung aus konzentrierter Molke, die mit anderen Quellen angereichert ist, um lang anhaltende Aminosäuren bereitzustellen, großartig vor dem Schlafengehen, aber nicht nur

- 8%
65,00 59,69

Nitro-Tech Casein GOLD Slow-Release-Protein, hergestellt zu 100 % aus mizellaren Kaseinen aus Milch, hervorragend als Aminosäurenhülle, die vor dem Schlafengehen und darüber hinaus eingenommen werden kann

- 30%
85,00 59,49

Muscle Infusion Black ist eine Proteinmischung mit abgestufter Freisetzung und sieben verschiedenen Quellen. Es ist mit Vitaminen und Mineralien angereichert und eignet sich hervorragend als antikatabolische Unterstützung

- 38%
79,20 48,89

Anabolic PM Protein integratore proteico in polvere realizzato solo con caseina micellare una proteina che rilascia aminoacidi per diverse ore dall'assunzione, ottimo pre nanna

- 27%
75,00 54,99