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Protein shakes & protein powders

The Nutrition Center’s extensive protein catalog consists of whey protein, the classic whey proteins and all other innovative formulations derived from milk, from casein to hydrolyzed, concentrated and isolated formulations. Here you will also find meat and egg proteins as well as the brand new range of plant proteins, a fast-growing market where innovations take place.

Among the different types of protein supplements for the growth and maintenance of muscle mass (muscles), you can also buy proteins with slow and gradual release, a very important support for promoting a protein-rich regime. Try the single-dose protein formulations ready to use and perfectly balanced.In sports, protein supplementation is the most important food for the rapid supply of amino acids, both essential amino acids and branched Bcaa amino acids. For this reason, these supplements can be very important, especially after exercise, to accelerate recovery and stimulate protein synthesis muscle growth after intense physical activity.

For certain categories of athletes, such as bodybuilders who need to maintain muscle mass and muscle, or for those who need to achieve or maintain daily protein needs, protein supplementation is a very valid support, to maintain a positive calorie balance and achieve a very high amount of assimilated proteins daily.

Among the various manufacturers of powdered protein additives, you can choose the best formulation for protein shakes, from pure proteins with a very high concentration of amino acids to formulations that can be used as a perfectly balanced fat intake. For athletes who are approaching the sports nutrition sector for the first time, the choice of a protein product is very important and must be based primarily on their needs.

Therefore, before choosing a particular protein, we recommend trying the best formulation, both in taste and especially in terms of the source to be used. Proteins of animal origin are most commonly used. We are talking about powdered protein shakes extracted from milk, whey proteins and meat proteins. There are also mixed formulations with a differentiated release. For example, milk has a very rapid release and there are also modern formulations with a reduced intake of lactose. Meat proteins, which are also rich in amino acids, have no medium release and can be used to avoid gaining weight, and if not, a milk-derived protein source can be used.

Among the product segments with large growth, we also find proteins of vegetable origin, for example we find soy proteins, pea proteins, innovative mixtures that use wheat proteins, wheat and the new hemp proteins.

Thanks to constant research and innovation in sports nutrition, plant proteins of new generation have nothing to envy from proteins of animal origin.

Biologically and nutritionally talking, the amino acid profile is actually complete and all essential nutrients are integrated to help the muscles growing and recovering appropriately and correctly. A protein supplement is very important to support the calorie balance, maintenance and growth of muscle mass. Excellent for muscle regeneration. You will find various formulations enriched with amino acids such as glutamine, creatine and other energy elements to support your training and preparation.

Filtra per Caratteristica
Filtra per Marca
Filtra per Prezzo

Evogen IsoJect Whey Protein Isolat reich an Peptiden zur Verbesserung der Aufnahme und Förderung der Muskelregeneration und des Muskelwachstums, glutenfrei

- 14%
93,49 79,99

Iso B+ Proteina del Siero isolata con basso apporto di Lattosio e quasi assenza di Zuccheri, rapidamente assimilabile dall'organismo apporta numerosi aminoacidi essenziali

In stock

100% Micellar Casein integratore di caseina micellare a lento rilascio, una fonte proteica ottima da assumere alla sera prima di dormire per evitare il catabolismo notturno

- 7%
70,00 65,39

Vegan Protein Proteinergänzung für Veganer, die aus sieben verschiedenen Quellen gewonnen wird, um Ihren Körper mit vielen essentiellen Aminosäuren zu versorgen, die für den Muskelerhalt und das Muskelwachstum nützlich sind

- 19%
21,00 16,97

Scitec Protein Pudding vorbereitet zur Herstellung von fantastischen Proteinpuddings reich an Kasein und Molke für eine optimale Versorgung mit Aminosäuren

- 26%
26,20 19,29

Carnivor Shred Protein-Supplement aus hydrolysiertem Rindfleisch, angereichert mit BCAA, Kreatin und nervenstimulierenden und adaptogenen Schlankheitsmitteln, hervorragend in Kombination mit einer kalorienarmen Ernährung

- 7%
59,00 54,99

Select Protein è un integratore a base di proteine del latte, sia sieroproteine che caseine, ideale per apportare al muscolo gli aminoacidi di cui necessita.

- 13%
75,00 65,00

Maltesers Hi-Protein-Pulver-Protein-Geschmack Malt, reich an wesentlichen Aminosäuren Fast Blood Release, ideal nach dem Gewicht

- 22%
28,00 21,97

100% Plant Vegan Protein è una proteina in polvere per vegani, realizzata solo con riso e pisello, ideale come alternativa alle classiche whey

- 21%
47,00 36,99

Metapure Zero Carb della QNT sono un integratore proteico in polvere a base di sole sieroproteine isolate a rapida assimilazione, con basso apporto di carboidrati

- 14%
58,00 49,99

Olimp Sojavit 85 integratore a base di proteine della soia non OGM con ata concentrazione di amminoacidi adatto a Vegetariani e Vegani

- 15%
20,00 16,99

Saw Rawfusion proteina vegetale del riso, carciofo e pisello ideale per chi segue un regime alimentare Vegano, prodotta dalla San Nutrition

50,00 49,89

Vegan Protein Select proteina in polvere da fonti vegetali del pisello e del riso scuro, priva di soia, lattosio, zuccheri aggiunti e grassi, ottima alternativa alle whey

- 24%
55,00 41,99
In stock

Proteine del pisello da agrigoltura non OGM prodotte dalla Now Foods, ottima alternativa alle whey protein

- 13%
51,00 44,19
In stock

- 49%
70,00 36,00

100% Iso Whey Pro integratore a base di proteine del siero isolate ricche in amminoacidi essenziali e di rapida assimilazione prodotte dalla Pharmapure

- 13%
80,00 69,89