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Egg Protein

Egg proteins are a source of protein that is always of animal origin and an alternative to milk. In terms of nutrition, they guarantee a highly respectable protein concentration with a greater distribution in the protein, which is most often used because it is also less rich in fat and cholesterol.

This type of protein is ideal for all athletes who want to maintain important protein and amino acid intake without using milk sources and lactose-containing derivatives. Hydrolyzed in powder form, these proteins are practical and lightweight, do not provide much fat and have a better balance of essential amino acids compared to plant sources.

Another feature that makes egg proteins a valid alternative to whey protein are the average digestive times, the release of amino acids is indeed moderate, slower than whey and faster than casein, and the ability to satiate and regulate your appetite is equally valid. The energy and caloric value of these proteins is also in an intermediate position in relation to milk and its derivatives. The ratio of fats and proteins is also compensated by the use of mainly egg albumin.

Regarding the supply of essential amino acids and Bcaa, egg proteins have nothing to envy other sources. In fact, we find a complete profile with leucine, isoleucine and valine, important levels of glutamine and higher compared to whey arginine and phenylalanine protein. The use of egg proteins is therefore certainly recommended to all athletes who have shown intolerance to lactose and thus to milk and its derivatives. In this case, it is advisable to use pure formulations that use only the proteins of the egg protein, or formulations that combine this medium-release source with soy.

Since it is a product with a limited concentration of fats, this product can also be integrated into the definition phase, the supply of amino acids is indeed complete and can be combined with this product a specific formulation of amino acids in capsules for special requirements of intensive training.

In egg proteins, all amino acids are integrated to support protein synthesis, an anabolic state is promoted for muscle growth, the production of testosterone and growth hormone is supported, the muscles are supplied with amino acids for tissue repair and accelerate glycogen resynthesis. At the time of integration, this protein fraction can be used in a very versatile way. It can actually be integrated both in the morning and in the afternoon as a snack. As an alternative to other protein formulations, it can of course be integrated into post-workout to support recovery and muscle mass growth.

Several leading companies in the supplement sector produce and distribute classic egg protein formulations with a very high protein concentration. There are also formulations that combine different mixtures, which are often used for protein preparations.

In the protein catalog of the Nutrition Center you will find a wide selection of the best egg proteins on the market, the products of the best brands and the innovative formulations of emerging companies.

Filtra per Caratteristica
Filtra per Marca
Filtra per Prezzo

Egg Protein ist eine Proteinergänzung aus Eiweiß, angereichert mit Verdauungsenzymen und antioxidativen Pflanzenextrakten, ausgezeichnet für diejenigen, die keine Milchderivate vertragen

- 50%
35,00 17,49

Egg Pro 100% integratore a base di proteine dell'uovo ricche in amminoacidi essenziali utili per aumentare la massa muscolare prodotte dalla Eurosup

- 30%
49,50 34,65

EGG Protein integratore in polvere a base di Proteine dell'Uovo con alto contenuto aminoacidico essenziali, materia prima Belovo, prodotte dalla 4+ Nutrition

- 29%
52,00 37,18

Ultra Egg Protein proteina in polvere 100% da albume d'uovo, senza zuccheri ne grassi ma ad elevato valore biologico, ottima sia post allenamento che durante la giornata

- 11%
40,00 35,49

Egg White Protein, ausgezeichnete Protein- und Aminosäurequelle von Scitec Nutrition

- 23%
50,94 39,09

Top Egg Protein integratore a base di proteine dell'uovo ricche in amminoacidi e glutammina, ottima sostituzione delle proteine del siero, prodotte dalla +Watt

- 11%
45,00 39,97