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Casein Protein Powder

Casein is the most abundant and concentrated protein fraction of milk, calcium caseinate. Formulations with micellar and hydrolyzed caseins belong to this protein segment. These proteins are rich in essential amino acids and have excellent nutritional value. They are often obtained from the whey of cheese production.

The main differences between the different protein fractions are largely due to the nitrogen content. We can actually speak of caseins and phosphoproteins, which are extracted from cow’s milk with about two-thirds of nitrogen-containing substances, in the milk mass they are also present in the form of micelles, that is, aggregated protein groups.

The nutritional intake of casein is remarkable, the composition of amino acids is in fact complete and contain important concentrations of Glutamine, Arginine and Phenylalanine, in higher percentages than Whey Protein. An important factor to consider when choosing a Casein supplement is slow digestion. This protein fraction, in fact, is very useful to maintain a constant supply of amino acids over time, if on the one hand, therefore, Whey Proteins are used when you need to quickly provide amino acids to your muscles, Caseins are instead indicated when you are unable to eat and then replenish amino acids for several hours, based on the different formulation, in fact, the nutrition that is obtained from caseins is prolonged up to 8 hours after taking the supplement.

The way of using caseins must be organized according to your training needs and, above all, according to the diet you follow. They can certainly be integrated in the morning to ensure a prolonged release during the day, or they are very suitable for nocturnal intake, That is, they can be integrated in the evening before bedtime and gradually deliver amino acids over night to block catabolism. In terms of combination with other elements with nutritional regimes, caseins find a perfect synergy with the Bcaa amino acid pool, especially if they are used after training to accelerate regeneration and with L-leucine or formulations of leucinemetabolites are taken.

It is certainly a form of supplement that must be evaluated and used as a prolonged support for muscle training and maintenance, for example, in defining or losing weight to maintain the acquired muscle mass. Caseins are very suitable because the prolonged release saturates for many hours and allows you to regulate hunger, even if you do not have the opportunity to eat a meal.

In the Nutrition Center catalog you will find the formulations of casein and micellar calcium caseinates from the best companies. There are various formulations that can be used to achieve a delayed release of amino acids and to saturate. Some companies use casein in combination with other protein sources, certainly along with whey protein and in other cases in combination with soy protein. In fact, these are protein formulations with differentiated release that ensure full coverage with a full release of amino acids with fast, medium and gradual assimilation.

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In stock

Syntha-6 Protein Supplement mit langsamer Freisetzung von Kohlenhydraten und Omega-3-Fettsäuren von BSN, ideal als Mahlzeitenersatz.


Protein Power Supplement auf Basis von Milch- und Sojaproteinen, die reich an Bcaa und Glutamin sind und zur Förderung des Muskelwachstums von Biotech Usa nützlich sind

- 20%
100,00 79,90
In stock

Micellar Casein Protein Supplement mit allmählicher Freisetzung aus Calciumcaseinat, einem Rohstoff, der sehr reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren ist, die langsam ins Blut abgegeben werden

- 26%
95,00 69,90
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Micellares Casein Proteinpulver 100% langsam absorbierendes Calciumcaseinat, eine Proteinquelle, die sich hervorragend als Antikatabol für die Nacht eignet, setzt Aminosäuren allmählich und für mehrere Stunden frei

- 32%
50,00 33,90

100% Micellar Casein integratore di caseina micellare a lento rilascio, una fonte proteica ottima da assumere alla sera prima di dormire per evitare il catabolismo notturno

- 7%
70,00 65,39

Elite Casein ist ein allmähliches Release-Kastenprotein mit Zugabe von BCAA und Glutamin durch Dymatize

- 14%
85,00 72,99

Gold Standard Casein della Optimum Nutrition integratore a base di Caseina Micellare purissime ricche in glutammina, proteina con rilascio graduale di aminoacidi.


Optimum Gold Standard Casein proteina a base di caseine micellari con rilascio prolungato di aminoacidi al muscolo e alta concentrazione di Glutammina e Bcaa

- 13%
80,00 69,89

Nitro-Tech Casein GOLD Slow-Release-Protein, hergestellt zu 100 % aus mizellaren Kaseinen aus Milch, hervorragend als Aminosäurenhülle, die vor dem Schlafengehen und darüber hinaus eingenommen werden kann

- 30%
85,00 59,49

Anabolic PM Protein integratore proteico in polvere realizzato solo con caseina micellare una proteina che rilascia aminoacidi per diverse ore dall'assunzione, ottimo pre nanna

- 27%
75,00 54,99

Mizellares Casein-Protein 100% mizellares Casein mit langsamer Freisetzung, ideal als nächtliches Antikatabolum oder um einen angemessenen Stickstoffspiegel im Körper aufrechtzuerhalten und sich weiter zu erholen

- 12%
85,00 74,89

Scitec Protein Pudding vorbereitet zur Herstellung von fantastischen Proteinpuddings reich an Kasein und Molke für eine optimale Versorgung mit Aminosäuren

- 26%
26,20 19,29

Caseine idrolizzate brevettate PeptoPro ® e brevetto Astragin ® per sostenere la tua performance e ottimizzare il recupero     

- 19%
62,00 49,99

Micellar Casein von Quamtrax neues Nahrungsergänzungsmittel basierend auf mizellaren Caseinproteinen mit allmählicher Freisetzung, die reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren sind

- 21%
48,00 37,89

PeptoBol PeptoPro integratore di caseina idrolizzata in peptidi di piccole dimensioni a rilascio veloce ma anche prolungato, ottimo per la fase post allenamento dopo i pesi

- 5%
65,00 61,69

Micellar Creme integratore a base di sole Proteine della Caseina micellare consistenza cremosa, con alta concentrazione di aminoacidi by Syntrax

- 45%
55,00 30,39