Beef protein is the alternative and complementary protein source of animal origin to milk and classic whey protein. Meat is indeed a staple food for the diet of people who need to exercise and constantly support training.
On a nutritional level, meat guarantees a limited concentration of fats and carbohydrates compared to other protein sources. Among the most commonly used sources is especially beef, which is characterized by a high concentration of protein and especially by the presence of creatine, a basic amino acid, acid in the field. Sports to maximize energy production and promote the accumulation of energy in the muscles.
The best-known main producer of meat protein additives is the Carnivor brand, which has always been a leader in this segment. It mainly uses beef, which is widely used in sports in calorie and protein-rich diets for building muscle mass.
Beef proteins are characterized by a high concentration of amino acids. With this product, they are actually supplemented with Bcaa and essential amino acids to support muscle building and growth. Meat proteins are very suitable for calorie regimes, where a positive nitrogen balance must be maintained in order to constantly nourish the acquired muscle mass and avoid muscle catabolism. Beef has high biological value, and it also also has a very low proportion of carbohydrates and fats. The innovative processing techniques of the dietary supplements also make it possible to isolate and concentrate the protein fraction to incorporate a quantity equivalent to several hundred grams of steaks with a limited dosage of hydrolyzed powder.
Meat proteins are also rich in minerals, they integrate iron and potassium, they also contain valuable vitamins to support energy metabolism, niacin, vitamin PP and cobalamin, vitamin B12, which is often supplemented by external sources, to maximize the ability of cells to capture amino acids. The athlete integrating hydrolyzed beef proteins can make the most of the anabolic window after training. This type of integration is indeed very suitable for bodybuilders and for all athletes who need to maintain an anabolic state and a positive nitrogen balance to develop and stimulate muscle growth.
The high concentration of branched chain amino acids and the presence of glutamine are particularly suitable for activating anabolic signals, supporting testosterone production, to accelerate recovery and improve your training in terms of strength and endurance. After all, the presence of glutamine is an excellent support in times of intense competitive activity and intense psychophysical stress. This non-essential amino acid is essential for maintaining muscle mass, protects the body from external influences, strengthens the immune system against bacteria and prevents viruses from the risk of over-training, by avoiding the unpleasant and dangerous state of chronic fatigue and an incomplete recovery from fatigue.
In the Beef Protein Nutrition Center catalog you will find all the formulations of the most famous companies, American products and solutions rich in amino acids to support your training and sports preparation.
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