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Creatine is a basic amino acid in sports to support energy production and stimulate muscle mass growth, thanks to training in the gym with very high intensity. In recent years in the sports environment widely used in various disciplines, from bodybuilding sector to fitness, it is an element that has been the subject of continuous studies and research, that have led the major manufacturers of food supplements to find new formulations, better both from the point of view. in terms of absorption and ergogenic effects.

The discovery of creatine is not new, in fact it was discovered in 1832 by the French chemist Chevreul in meat, who highlighted its presence in important doses in wild foxes and associated it with greater motor activity.

Modern scientific discoveries and research in the field of sports have today confirmed the important involvement of this amino acid in energy processes in sports, especially for athletes exposed to anaerobic efforts, that is intense and fast. Creatine is used to maximize ATP production and makes readily available energy ready for use.

Boost energy production with creatine

About 95% of the amino acid is used by muscles with very important effects on energy production and strength. There are different formulations of creatine in tablet, powder and liquid formulations. From creatine monohydrate, one of the purest and most widely used forms of amino acid with pharmaceutical versions, to the new patents and mixtures of different circles of the new generation of Kre Alkalyn, etyl esters to maximize energy production.

In the Nutrition Center catalog you will also find the best formulations such as Creapure products that use creatine processing and formulation techniques with the highest quality standards. Creatine is therefore an energy aid and especially useful for high-intensity workouts.

As the research and experiments of the last 10 years have confirmed, the integration of this amino acid increases the Creatine concentration in the muscles, improves the ability to train at high rates, muscle strength and endurance, as well as neuromuscular functions, Attention, concentration and mental focus. There are also important effects on increasing muscle volume thanks to better fluid management and reducing muscle fatigue, the onset of fatigue is delayed and maximum strength is developed during the most intense efforts.

Finally, one of the most important aspects is the assimilation of the amino acid. In fact, we are talking about the conversion of creatine into phosphocreatine stored in the muscles and into by-products that are not useful for sports preparation, such as as creatinine.

The recent efforts and investments of creatine companies have led to the production of forms of this amino acid of ever better quality, precisely in terms of assimilation, that have less often side effects such as intestinal swelling, water retention, etc. for dosages exceeding those indicated.

Modern dietary supplements with creatine in powder form, capsules or tablets can therefore be used with a lower dosage and in many cases do not require a loading phase and can be combined in different formulations.  In the Nutrition Center catalog you will find specific creatine-based products and formulations that contain this amino acid and are also mixed with other elements such as amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates.


Creatina Micronizzata Creapure di altissima qualità e purezza farmaceutica ottimo pre allenamento per chi cerca un aumento dell'energia by Isatori

- 20%
18,00 14,40

Sports Creatine HCL integratore di creatina idrocloruro, aiuta l'energia e il volume muscolare, viene stoccata nella muscolatura con maggiore facilità e dunque provoca un migliore effetto ergogenico ma anche meno ritenzione

- 35%
23,00 14,99

Creatine HCL integratore di creatina cloridrato pura per migliorare la prestanza fisica dal punto di vista della produzione di energia cellulare Atp

- 29%
55,00 39,19

Tri-Creatine Malat voluminisierendes ergogenes Supplement zur Verbesserung der ATP-Synthese, Steigerung der Kraft und damit der Ergebnisse einer hypertrophen Masse, auch hervorragend als Hilfe zur Wiederherstellung von Glykogen in der Post-Workout-Phase

- 30%
17,00 11,97

LevroCrea prodotto a base di quattro tipi di creatina per ottimizzare lo stoccaggio muscolare e sviluppare un maggiore effetto ergogenico, aumenta la forza fisica, il volume e la massa ipertrofica

- 10%
22,00 19,79

TriCreatina Malato integratore di creatina legata ad acido malico per aumentarne la disponibilità metabolica, agisce sull'energia e sulla volumizzazione muscolare, ideale pre workout

15,00 14,99

Creatine PH-Modified integratore a base di creatina monoidrato tamponata per migliorare l'assimilazione e ottimizzare la produzione energetica, prodotta dalla SAN Nutrition


DecaDrive Kreatin-Monohydrat - Hergestellt in den USA von Muscle Meds

- 31%
27,50 18,99

Mikronisiertes Kreatin-Monohydrat-Supplement aus reinem Kreatin in Pulverform von Biotech Usa, nützlich, um den Energietransport zum Muskel zu beschleunigen


Kreatin Alkalin 1500 gepufferter Kreatin-Integrator konvertiert nicht in Kreatinin und bestimmt daher einen besseren ergogenen Effekt mit einer Gleichheit der eingeführten Dosierung, hervorragend für Masse und Kraft

- 4%
24,00 22,99

Creatina HCL integratore energetico e volumizzante, ideale per migliorare la prestazione, si tratta di creatina cloridrato una particolare forma che viene stoccata nei muscoli con maggiore facilità rispetto al normale monoidrato

- 22%
50,00 39,19

Performance Creatine è 100% creatina monidrato micronizzata per il massimo del supporto energetico e della volumizzazione cellulare

33,00 32,99

Evogen Cell K.E.M. ausgezeichnete Ergänzung nach dem Training zur Beschleunigung der Muskelregeneration und Proteinsynthese, reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren

- 23%
65,00 49,99

Creatine Powder, è polvere micronizzata di monidrato farmaceutico, per la stimolazione a produrre più Atp, necessario per gli intensi allenamenti

- 22%
29,00 22,69

Creatina Ultra Concentrata ad assunzione sub linguale by Con Cret


Alkalische Kreatin Originalformulierung von 1200 mg pro Kapsel von Scitec Nutrition

- 25%
30,60 22,82