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Kre Alkalyn

Kre Alkalyn is currently the best source of creatine available on the market, which has only been discovered in the last decade and has completely revolutionized the creatine sector by significantly reducing sales and demand for the very popular monohydrate.

A bit of history ... At the end of the 1990s, the sector of sports supplements experienced a gigantic development for this reason in the USA, the motherland of this sector. Numerous companies have invested in research to ensure innovative and harmless ingredients. During this time, the NIR technology still used today was developed, which precisely determines the quality and bioavailability of each individual ingredient through a state-of-the-art process.

With this new technology, leading creatine companies have been put to the test. As you can imagine, testing the dry substance yielded very different results in terms of quality, from excellent to below average to very poor, but nothing new so far.

Why choose Kre Alkalyn?

However, after completing the dry substance tests, the purity and quality of creatine monohydrate was tested once diluted in water, and here they found that they had made an important discovery. Almost immediately after the addition of water, creatine monohydrate is usually converted into the by-product creatinine, which is excreted in the urine. In the past, some companies claimed and promoted the lack of creatinine in their creatine preparations and called them "creative-free". Since this is just advertising gimmick, they were naturally rejected after the introduction of NIR technology, which underlined and confirmed that the conversion to creatinine is inevitable once creatine is diluted in a liquid.

The increase in creatinine in the body can cause various unpleasant contraindications such as stomach cramps and swelling, diarrhea, water retention, dehydration, headache, liver and kidney problems. These side effects are caused by the body’s own self-defense mechanism, which reacts to protect itself from ingested toxins by diluting the water.

KRE-ALKALYN-Creatine - received US Patent No 6,399,661

Learning of this revolutionary new discovery, Jeff Golini and the team at Bioceutical Research began investigating a solution to address the toxic conversion of creatine monohydrate. After eighteen months of testing and research, they finally filed a US patent application for success and the new method to keep creatine monohydrate stable and completely free of toxic conversion.

This new patent procedure solved the main problem of all existing creatine-based supplements, namely the conversion into creatinine and the associated side effects. For this reason, it became one of the following main additions within a few months of the patent being confirmed, used and required.

Why is buffered creatine better?

Since after taking Kre-Alkalyn Buffered, even after dilution in water, no conversion into undesirable creatinine occurs, our body can almost completely absorb the dose taken without having to take 10 to 20 grams daily, to saturate muscle stores and achieve the desired result Energy Timulus, a condition that occurred in creatine monohydrate. In short, KRE-ALKALYN is the buffered creatine with the right pH, which does not require any stress periods or must be operated cyclically. With Kre-Alkalyn you can safely consume creatine, avoid side effects and get a significant energy boost with a simple intake before training.

Kre-Alkalyn, we clarify your doubts

The data says that most of the creatine monohydrate you take is converted into creatinine within minutes when you add liquid, be it juice or water. So if you actually take a lot of creatinine and a very small dose of creatine monohydrate, many will ask: how is it possible that I took the monohydrate several times and always achieved a good energy effect?

The best way to explain this is: if you take a dose of 5 grams of creatine monohydrate, you will probably end up with a dose of 200 to 400 mg of actual creatine stored in muscle cells.

Normally, the human body produces about 2 grams of creatine every day. In this way, by supplementing 200-400 mg in addition to what your body naturally produces, you get a 10-20% increase in the available creatine pool. The problem is that for an increase of 10 to 20%, you also need to take 4.6 grams of creatinine. But now this constant has changed and we need to start seeing it differently. Most creatine is lost when added to the fluid, and even more is converted into creatinine when it passes through the acidic stomach. On the contrary, Kre-Alkalyn offers you a complete and stable absorption of pure creatine without toxic conversion. So, no contraindications.

Why does Kre-Alkalyn not convert to creatinine?

Through extensive testing and numerous tests, the research team found that the conversion rate into creatinine was directly proportional to the pH of the liquid used to dilute it. However, the mere addition of creatine monohydrate to a strongly alkaline drink does not solve the problem caused by the strongly acidic environment of the stomach.

The discovery came when they discovered that if creatine could somehow be buffered at pH 12 during the manufacturing process, it would remain completely stable if diluted in water and absorbed again. The patented process of making Kre-Alkalyn gives you the unique form of creatine that enters the bloodstream intact and in full dosage.

The buffering takes place in the creatine synthesis process with the Kre-Alkalyn patent, which allows the maintenance of a safe and high pH value within the molecular structure. Kre-alkalyn creatine remains 100% stable and shows complete absorption, as the patented buffering effect has been specially developed for the action in the stomach, resulting in an ideal pH value for complete absorption. So it is no longer necessary to take 20 grams of creatine to have 2 to 4 grams available. However, a dose of 2 to 3 grams before training is enough to achieve the same positive effects without creating side effects in the body due to too much creatinine.

All this has brought a real revolution in the creatine sector worldwide, starting in 2002, when the American company All American EFX introduced the first supplement based on Kre Alkalyn. The sales of monohydrate has dropped drastically, while this new version still remains below the energy supplements preferred by athletes.

Finally, remember that creatine, unlike what was thought in the 90s, only with the production and transport of energy from the mitochondria, the centers where ATP is produced, interacts with muscle cells, increasing energy storage during your workout. It has no volumizing effects, but the old source of monohydrate was always taken in high doses, and water retention as a contraindication led to incorrect muscle pumping, which was only water retention in the muscle cells.


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