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Essential amino acids are the subunits of proteins and occur in nature mainly, but not exclusively, in the musculature, including the voluntary skeletal amino acids. We can divide them into essential and non-essential categories, distinguishing the two categories according to the fact that the former must be taken together with food or dietary supplements, while the latter can be produced by the metabolism itself. Among the essential elements we find a total of 9 elements, including branched Bcaa: phenylalanine, isoleucine, lysine, leucine, methionine, threonine, trypophan, valine and histidine.

There are also amino acids that are defined as conditionally essential, which means, synthesized by the body, but not sufficiently to satisfy certain needs. In sports, for example, it should be noted that psychophysical stress also makes the integration of other amino acid nutrients desirable, such as: glutamine, arginine, glycine, proline, taurine, cisterin and tyrosine.

In capsules, powder or tablets: they are the basis for muscle building

An athlete can extract amino acids from food, especially protein, noble sources of high biological value such as whey proteins, meat proteins, but nowday vegetable sources too. In fact, there are recently introduced innovative formulations of plant proteins that ensure an optimal supply of essential amino acids to support protein synthesis and relative plastic recovery in the post-workout phase. This type of product is very suitable for vegetarian and vegan athletes, as well as those who are particularly sensitive to the lactose content of milk derivatives.

In the various formulations that you can buy, you will find not only the nine most important amino-acids, but also all the others, which, as mentioned above, are directly related to metabolic processes that improve the results in the gym. So let’s look at the properties of the most important macronutrients in this subcategory and therefore:

  • Arginine acts as a precursor of nitric oxide, a compound produced by the body naturally, which increases the dilation of blood vessels and leads to a greater supply of nutrients to the muscles. This causes the synthesis of ATP and proteins to be catalyzed.
  • Glutamine stimulates the release of GH, acts on muscle hydration through volume formation of cells, prevents overtraining and supports the immune system;
  • Tyrosine, the main source of the substrate required for the synthesis of some thyroid hormones associated with the rate of basic metabolism and thus with weight loss;
  • Taurine, a compound with an insulin-like effect and stimulation of nitric oxide.

There are many other amino acids that can be beneficial in sports, but the ones listed above are the most important. So let’s look at the properties of Bcaa, the elements that make up to 40% of the total amino gram present in the muscles.

The anabolic power of branched chain amino acids Bcaa

Among all the types of essential and non-essential amino acids available on the market, branched bcaa are undoubtedly the ones that have the most positive effect on recovery and hypertrophic muscle growth. In fact, in addition to the direct impact on protein synthesis (myogenesis), there are a number of other metabolic effects that must be reported and seriously considered, and therefore:

  • Increase in natural testosterone and simultaneous decrease in cortisol, these are two hormones, the first anabolic and the second proteolytic;
  • Leucine-mediated activation of anabolic signaling pathways for cell proliferation such as mTor;
  • Improvement of strength and physical endurance, factors directly related to the intensity of training;
  • Support for faster glucose synthesis for post-workout gluconeogenesis and glycogen recovery.

How to take amino acids for maximum results

In general, the moment, type and amount of amino acids to be taken vary depending on body weight and the result that you want ro achieve. So let’s try to create a clear summary scheme to get information with utmost simplicity and transparency. If you take an amino acid complex, that is, a product that is mixed with all kinds of nutrients, but does not have high dosages, you must practically consider it a protein food and then add it to your diet, until you reach the desired protein ratio in order to maintain a constantly positive nitrogen balance as far as physiologically possible.

On the other hand, if you take a product based on branched aminos enriched with leucine, you need to calculate the dosage as follows: 1 g of net nutrient per 10 kg of body weight, so a quarter to a quarter during your workout and the remaining half at the end of training and possibly in addition to another dose of whey protein, but also with Vitargo to ensure the anabolic insulin boost.

If you take other products, such as arginine, glutamine, etc. you have to evaluate the desired effect yourself and administer the dose in the most productive way. For example, if you want to use the arginine-mediated nitric oxide boost, take the dose before training. If you want to boost the endocrine boost of gh with the same amino acid, take it in the evening before bed. However, you do not have to worry, as the nutritional labels list the appropriate methods of use. However, if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us in chat.

Possible side effects and amino acid interactions

Although there are no special precautions to take when using these supplements, we must remember that in some cases the opinion of your doctor is mandatory before taking a product. In any case, in which you suffer from certain diseases, and mainly affect the kidneys, the use of amino acid preparations without prior medical advice is not recommended.

It is also necessary to keep out of the reach of children in pregnant or breastfeeding women and also in all subjects who have shown a special sensitivity to these nutrients. Last but not least, the pharmacological factor, in which some amino acids can interact with the active ingredients contained in drugs, for example, tyramine, a metabolic by-product of tyrosine, that can lead to hypertensive crises for depression, known as l-MAO, when taking drugs at the same time.


Supreme Pure Bcaa 8:1:1 integratore di ramificati 8:1:1 ad alto dosaggio in leucina, l'ideale per accelerare il recupero post workout ma anche per diminuire il danno tissutale intra allenamento

- 20%
25,00 19,99

Amino Physic EVO ist ein verzweigtes BCA in pharmazeutischer Qualität und mit anderen essentiellen Inhaltsstoffen angereichert, die vor, während und nach dem Training angezeigt werden, um die Leistung und Erholung zu fördern

- 42%
55,00 31,99

Aminoject Supplement auf Basis von bcaa mit Zusatz von Glutamin, Citrullin und Elektrolyten, ideal zur Maximierung der Energieausbeute und Muskelregeneration, hergestellt von Evogen

- 34%
75,00 49,59

Amino After Load della ProActive integratore a base di Bcaa, Glutammina e Citrullina con maltodestrine ideale per velocizzare il recupero nel post-workout.

- 32%
25,00 16,99

Gaspari Hyper Amino Nahrungsergänzungsmittel auf Basis essentieller Aminosäuren, ideal zur Beschleunigung der Regeneration und Steigerung der Ausdauer

- 4%
40,00 38,54

EAA 1150 pool di amminoacidi essenziali con aggiunta di arginina, ottimo per sostenere la sintesi proteica dopo il workout ma anche come pre allenamento energetico e anticatabolico

- 23%
26,00 19,90

Verzweigte Aminosäuren Pulver 8:1:1 von Scitec Nutrition

- 30%
31,53 21,98

Pure Bcaa 8:1:1 1000 verzweigte Nahrungsergänzung angereichert mit Leucin und Vitamin B6, hervorragend als Katalysator für die Muskelregeneration, vor und nach dem Training einnehmen

- 33%
29,00 19,39

Trinken Sie Sleep Grow Nighttime Aminos, eine Mischung aus Aminosäuren und anderen Verbindungen zur Verbesserung der nächtlichen Erholung, wirkt auf GH, Proteinsynthese, freie Radikale und Gelenke

- 33%
80,00 53,97

LevroAmino 10000 integratore in pool di amminoacidi essenziali, ottimo come aiuto per aumentare la quota protitidica e sostenere la miogenesi, ricco di Bcaa e altri composti anabolici

- 39%
36,00 22,07

Bcaa 5500 Drink amminoacidi ramificati liquidi a rapidissimo rilascio e ratio 2:1:1 arricchiti con piridossina, ideali come anabolico ed ergogenico antiproteolitico, prima, durante e dopo l'allenamento

- 29%
1,70 1,21

FIT Bcaa 8:1:1 Kyowa integratore di amminoacidi a catena ramificata con biodisponibilità elevata, da assumere prima, durante e dopo il workout per favorire il recupero plastico

- 34%
25,00 16,49

Evogen Cell K.E.M. ausgezeichnete Ergänzung nach dem Training zur Beschleunigung der Muskelregeneration und Proteinsynthese, reich an essentiellen Aminosäuren

- 23%
65,00 49,99

BCAA Advance Instant della ProActive integratore di aminoacidi ramificati in polvere utili per migliorare le performance energetiche in allenamento.

- 25%
24,00 17,97

BCAA Plus integratore in polvere aromatizzata a base di ramificati arricchiti di glutammina e glicina, ottimo come supporto pre e post allenamento per la sinstesi proteica ed il recupero

- 39%
23,00 13,99

Platinum Amino + Energy Pre-Workout-Supplement auf Basis von Aminosäuren und energetisierenden Verbindungen, hervorragend geeignet, um das Training zu intensivieren und Ihr ergogenes Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen

- 6%
35,00 32,79