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Amino Acid Complex

Essential and non-essential amino acids: these are the nutrients contained in an amino acid complex.   When it comes to health and fitness, we sometimes hear very technical and difficult to understand scientific terms. Have you ever wondered why in the world of dietary supplements there is a lot of talk about amino acids and why they are so important? Or what is the difference between "essential" and "non-essential" amino acids?

Amino acids are commonly referred to as "protein blocks" and are an important component of any human body. There are 20 different amino acids, nine of which are called "essential" and 11 are called "non-essential". The human body needs all these 20 amino acids in different amounts to keep muscle mass healthy and well-nourished. All 20 have different chemical structures and are used for different roles, such as the formation of neurotransmitters, the synthesis of hormones and energy production. However, their main task is to build proteins.

Essential amino acids in amino acid complexes: the basis for muscle growth

Protein is part of every single cell in the human body and essential for the functioning of the body. Protein helps build and repair tissues such as skin and muscles, as well as produce antibodies and insulin. From only 20 amino acids, the body can produce thousands of unique proteins with different functions, each containing between 50 and 2000 amino acids and linked in different sequences. After all these amino acids have come together, they are folded to create a specific shape that determines their role in the body.

From only 9 essential and 11 non-essential amino acids, the body can produce thousands of unique proteins with different functions. So what is the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids? How do they work differently in the body and why is each type necessary?

Essential Amino acids

These are the nine amino acids that your body cannot produce independently. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to take them daily via a diet or a specific supplement. Adults should eat foods that contain the following eight amino acids: methionine, valine, tryptophan, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, threonine and phenylalanine. Histidine, the ninth amino acid, is needed only for infants.

Once consumed, our body uses them instead of storing them to produce new proteins. Therefore, he needs a continuous - ideally daily - intake of these amino acids to stay healthy. Of course, a person who is constantly physically active has a greater need than a sedentary person. For this reason, nutrition and integration play a key role.

The branched chain amino acids, better known as BCAA amino acids, also belong to the categories of essentials; leucine, isoleucine and valine are among the supplements most commonly used by the sports public, because they perform basic functions to increase energy production in training, reduce the formation of lactic acid and promote recovery times.

Also, lysine, always an essential amino acid, is very important for the correct production of numerous hormones and enzymes, it also promotes collagen synthesis, which keeps our joints and ligaments healthy.

Another amino acid that is very common in pre-workout supplements is phenylalanine, a precursor of tyrosine, antidepressant dopamine and melanin. It is also a precursor of phenylethylamine, a popular antidepressant, which is naturally present in mammals from breast milk. Eating foods rich in phenylalanine helps prevent mood swings, overcome lethargy, laziness, bad morals and anxiety.

Finally, we emphasize the importance of sleep-inducing tryptophan, which is an important component in the production of serotonin, vitamin B3 or niacin and auxin (a plant hormone). Thanks to the tryptophan content in milk, chocolates, oats, bananas, dried dates, cottage cheese, turkey and peanuts, you can rest well. This is attributed to high serotonin levels (a neurotransmitter that calms the brain) and high melatonin levels (a sleep-inducing hormone) in the brain when significant amounts of tryptophan-containing foods have been consumed.

Tryptophan is also used to treat seasonal affective disorders or SAD and premenstrual disorders, diseases associated with low serotonin levels in the brain. Seasonal affective disorder is the term that refers to the winter blues of some people, which manifests itself in extremely low serotonin and melatonin levels caused by the lack of light during the winter months.

Non-essential Amino acids

Those defined as non-essential are 11 and are synthesized by the body. Even if they are an important part of protein building, they do not need to be included in a daily diet.  Eight of them are also known as "conditionally essential", which means that the body may not be able to produce the amount required to meet the needs of the body itself. This situation occurs mainly in people who exercise and need external supplementation with certain foods or supplements.

For example, our body independently produces glutamine or arginine, but in just enough quantity for a person pursuing a sedentary lifestyle, while for those who practice a sports discipline, external integration is required, to ensure proper maintenance of muscle fiber.

Now the big question: How can we ensure that we absorb the right amount of amino acids in our body through our diet? The answer is surprisingly simple, we just need to eat a lot of protein every day and consume a variety of foods. Animal proteins are called complete proteins because they naturally contain all nine essential amino acids in each serving. For this reason, whey protein or whey protein is the most demanded and nutritious protein in the field of dietary supplements.

But how can people who do not want to eat meat behave? What are the possibilities?

Plant-based proteins suitable for vegans, with the exception of quinoa and some others, have a smaller amount of essential amino acids and are therefore called incomplete proteins. However, through a varied diet of vegetables, cereals and legumes, it is possible to easily produce complete proteins. Another good option is to take a vegan protein powder supplement. For example, try rice protein, which is naturally digestible and bioavailable and offers a full spectrum of amino acids.

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